Humidity control for insectaries and insect breeding

Commercial breeding of insects for zoology, research or to contribute protein to the food chain, requires specialist humidity control systems. Different insects will require different levels of humidity for optimum breeding success, health and ultimately production yield.

Recreating the environment insects will experience in their natural habitat but within artificial, and often large, commercial premises is complex. The relationship between temperature, humidity and airflow must be fully understood. Any significant deviation from the required environment can have catasphrophic consequences for an insectary.

Alongside the direct benefits to insect health that the ideal humidity provides, adiabatic humidifiers can also provide high capacity, low energy cooling.

When absorbed into the air, one litre of water released from a spray humidifier will provide 0.68kW of evaporative cooling. A single high pressure spray humidifier can release up to 750 litres per hour while consuming just 4kW of electricity. This can provide over 500kW of low cost cooling across a room. This is ideal for operations, such as mealworm protein farms, where high levels of heat can be generated from the insects themselves.

Condair has a comprehensive range of adiabatic and steam humidifiers to maintain an  ideal internal humidity, no matter how big or small the area. We also offer dehumidification systems to dry an area, avoiding issues such as condensation and mould.

The benefits of using Condair for your insectary humidity control are:

  • The widest range of commercial humidifiers for any application
  • Evaporative cooling provides low energy, high capacity cooling
  • Experts in delivering the ideal environment for insectaries
  • Dehumidifiers and humidifiers from a single supplier
  • Global expertise and local solutions with regional engineering support
  • Ability to provide customised solutions for client projects

Our insectary clients include

  • - Ynsect, France
  • - Sterile Insect Technology, Australia
  • - Zoological Society of London, UK
  • - World Mosquito Program, Australia
  • - Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
  • - Innovafeed, France
  • - The Francis Crick Institute, UK
  • - Konya Tropical Butterfly Garden, Turkey

Humidity control improves yield and can provide cooling

Reliable humidity control within insectaries will improve the health of the insects, the production yield and can also offer high capacity, low energy air cooling.

Get expert advice on humidity control for insectaries

Cleanroom humidity podcast

Learn how to manage humidity in tightly controlled areas.

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